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Loving Your Little Landscape

I have never been a natural gardener. For years, I struggled to keep basic houseplants alive, only to kill them at the first opportunity. It was difficult and stressful to buy a home with a yard, but I knew that I might be able to learn what I was doing wrong and correct the problem. To start off, I focused heavily on the lawn, and tried hard to keep it trimmed and well-maintained. Next, I cleaned up the flowerbeds. It was a lot of work, but I knew that it would pay off in the end. When I was done, my front yard was gorgeous, and guess what--it even stayed alive. This blog is all about loving your little landscape.



Loving Your Little Landscape

Recommendations To Keep Your Lawn Healthy And Free Of Disease

by Charlotte White

Lawn care is a task you need to give attention to throughout the entire year, from early spring after snow melt occurs, and late into fall when leaves pile onto your lawn. Here are some recommendations that you can use to keep your lawn in great health and free of disease.

Pay Attention to the Soil

One of the best ways that you can take care of your lawn is by protecting the soil and maintaining its health. When your lawn has a good nutrient-rich soil to grow from, it will likewise provide you with healthy continual growth all year. It all starts with the soil.

Keep your soil's health supplemented with regular fertilizer application throughout the year depending on what type of season your lawn is in. In the spring, for example, you will need a fertilizer that includes an herbicide to control weed growth, which will help your lawn fill in after a winter of being dormant. And in the late fall, strengthening your lawn with nutrients to help build its growth thickly can be achieved when you apply a fertilizer high in nitrogen.

When you mow your lawn, you should allow the clippings to fall back onto your lawn. Doing so will add a nutrients boost back into your lawn's soil. Then, be sure you consider aeration during the growing season, which will help your lawn soil's compaction and loosen it up for further growth. Aeration also provides space for fertilizers, moisture, and air to travel down through to the roots.

Handle Thatch

Your lawn is going to build up a layer of thatch that occurs when old lawn growth dies and settles down around the roots of your lawn plants. As this layer builds thicker, it can actually block your lawn from receiving the essentials it requires to grow each season. Check your lawn in the spring for its layer of thatch. And if you see it is thick, plan to remove it with a de-thatching rake.

However, don't do your thatching project too early in the season, because if the soil is still wet it can cause harm to the lawn's roots and base. Use your thatch rake to loosen up the dead vegetation when the soil is dry and your lawn starts to grow in. Collect the thatch into piles and remove it from your lawn so you don't leave a layer of dead vegetation on your lawn that will kill your lawn. Put the thatch into a compost pile or use as a mulch in your garden, or toss it in a trash bag for disposal.

For more information about lawn care or lawn services, contact a landscaping company in your area.
