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Loving Your Little Landscape

I have never been a natural gardener. For years, I struggled to keep basic houseplants alive, only to kill them at the first opportunity. It was difficult and stressful to buy a home with a yard, but I knew that I might be able to learn what I was doing wrong and correct the problem. To start off, I focused heavily on the lawn, and tried hard to keep it trimmed and well-maintained. Next, I cleaned up the flowerbeds. It was a lot of work, but I knew that it would pay off in the end. When I was done, my front yard was gorgeous, and guess what--it even stayed alive. This blog is all about loving your little landscape.



Loving Your Little Landscape

Pros And Cons Of Planting An Ornamental Chanticleer Pear Tree

by Charlotte White

Chanticleer pear trees are attractive ornamental trees that are popular both in municipal and residential plantings. The trees have striking white flowers during the spring and summer that make the chanticleer a great addition to nearly any type of landscape design.

Pro: Attractive Year-round

The white flowers of the chanticleer do shed when the seasons shift towards fall. But the tree does not go boringly barren. Instead, the waxy green leaves change color to a vibrant orange, red, or purple. The leaves remain on the tree into winter, at which point the round, reddish berries are still on the tree. A chanticleer is essentially never empty and uninteresting to look at.  

The tree is also attractive to a lot of wildlife during both summer and winter. If you enjoy the presence of colorful birds in your yard, the chanticleer tree might be a good addition to your yard.

Pro: Takes Up Little Lateral Space

The chanticleer can grow up to 35 feet when fully mature, but the width can be as little as 16 feet. And the width can be kept even smaller with regular tree trimming services. The relatively narrow width and slower growth cycle make the chanticleer pear a good choice for yards that don't have a lot of lateral space to spare.

You can put chanticleer trees near a fence or in a narrow strip of grass since that was essentially the origin of this type of tree – road and median ornamentation. Multiple chanticleer trees planted as edging are also a great look for a yard.

Con: No Edible Fruits

Despite the name, the chanticleer pear tree does not produce the type of pear you find in the grocery store. The tree does produce a type of stone fruit that resembles a hardened berry, but the taste is only appealing to wildlife. If your interest perked up when you saw the word "pear", you might want to look for another type of tree that will wield you some snacks.

But if you can overlook the fact that the chanticleer pears won't end up in your fruit salad, the berries do actually have some decorative uses. Use the berries similarly to holly berries or acorns in winter decorations and centerpieces.

Con: Unpleasant Odor in Full Bloom

Some flowering trees give off a sweet, highly floral smell that will transform your yard into a perfumery. The chanticleer pear is not one of those trees. The flowers, when at full bloom, don't smell particularly good. That doesn't mean the tree is going to stink you out, but you might want to look elsewhere if fragrance is your main concern.

The best bet is to go to a nursery that has blooming chanticleers to see what you think of the scent. Some owners find it easy to ignore while others find it off-putting. Find out which group you fall into before you try to plant the tree in your yard, or you could end up calling a tree removal service like Williams Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc. the next week.
